That Damn Liberal Oscar the Grouch

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I always get a little chuckle over the 'liberal media' argument, especially when someone tries to make that argument during this reign of Rupert Murdoch. But wingnut-mania is seriously making me guffaw ... loudly...over their latest freak-out.

It seems that liberal bastion 'Sesame Street' has offended the *cough* senses of the far Right. In a skit that first ran TWO YEARS AGO, Oscar the Grouch has a caller who tells him his Grouch News Network (get it .. pun on Cable News Network) isn't grouchy enough and she is going to switch the channel to "Pox News" because that is really "trashy" news. (snort)

First, Andrew Breitbart pouts about how the liberal media is infesting his every minute and by God, it ain't fair. After all, they are using HIS tax money to support this horrible intrusion of 10th amendment rights, and inciting death panels, and where's the birth certificate, and ... wait ... that's a different paranoid delusion. Back to Sesame Street. In a complete laughfest, he goes on to cite the overwhelming popularity of Fox News (anyone catch that irony) and how offensive it is that he cannot get away from all Obama all the time. Here's his ridiculousness:

"If Mom and Dad watch cable news, it’s better than 50/50 they watch “POX News.”  So what gives? PBS — a network partially funded with my tax dollars — has the right to tell my kids that their parents watch “trashy” news?  The message is clear, I can’t even sit my kids in front of “Sesame Street” without having to worry about the Left attempting to undermine my authority. And don’t tell me, “If you don’t like it change the channel.”  There are no channels left! It’s everywhere. Just last week I had Obama’s service and volunteerism promoted on every single major network, including Disney and Nickelodeon."

Andrew cannot get away from that horrid, embarrassing, socialist, Marxist, fascist idea of *gasp* volunteer service. Hide your eyes, quick! It's everywhere!!! The height of ridiculousness, really. Now Bill O'Reilly has jumped on the paranoid wagon too.

The Right remind me of that obstinate bonehead who KNOWS that the best thing to do is stop and ask for directions, but he/she doesn't want to be TOLD to do it, so they just drive around... bitching because they are lost ... and blaming the shitty GPS navigation.

But Breitbart is not done there, he goes on blathering about television shows "steering children toward left-infested "volunteer" web sites', NEA sekreet agendas to take over the world, & don't forget that Presidential indoctrination school speech that the Right got their panties all in a wad over. Hey, you dumbasses... it's called VOLUNTEER-ing for a reason. It means: To perform or offer to perform a service of one's own free will. Get it? Your OWN FREE WILL. So, Andrew, are you scared that you have no free will or are you scared that you're utterly unable to overcome the Nazi, Maoist, flaming liberal, voodoo influence and will ultimately find yourself zombie-like serving food in a soup kitchen unaware of how you even got there?

But he has to build the supernest of paranoia in order to make his point.  Yeah .. and you know what the point is? Wait for it ... wait for it ... wait .....

"The Left’s worst nightmare came true:  The conservatives are the hip ones."

 That would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.


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