A Not-even-remotely-teachable Moment on Dr. Laura

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 Signe Wilkinson, Philadelphia Daily News

Once again, some clueless media personality (I use that term loosely), has entered the fray of discussions on race. Once again, there is no lesson being learned.

Dr. Laura, a radio talk-show host, started a firestorm on her show while responding to a caller (full audio & text here). Here is the short version: a black woman in an interracial relationship with a white man called in to discuss her frustration at her partner's lack of sensitivity to what she perceived as racist remarks made in their presence. Dr. Laura asked for an example of what offends the woman, then proceeded to tell the caller that her example was not racist. Dr. Laura then began a rambling rant about race, Obama, black people, elections, and baby elephant poaching. Ok, well, not the last one, but anyway, back to the story. It the midst of her rambling, Dr. Laura repeatedly used the n-word. Her justification/reasoning for doing so was that black people use the word all the time and the word is repeatedly heard on cable TV, in music, etc. The whole incident then went south, with each person yelling over the other, and became a strangely incoherent mix of racial sensitivity, presidential elections, and having a chip on one's shoulder.

Predictably, the furor, buzz, and indignation after the show aired focused almost exclusively on Dr. Laura's use of the n-word. People went nuts because the white woman used the disgusting word. It was cringe-worthy, for sure. But the offensive part, for me, was not simply that she insisted on repeating the word as if to make some point that she could. What was offensive was her simpleton logic of 'others say it, so can I'. I mean, really. This is a grown woman who purports to give out advice for a living. While she is certainly not the first nor the last white person to wonder about use of a racial slur, she is the LAST person to use a justification like that. I absolutely do NOT believe she was attempting to have a conversation about race. 

I was offended that she dismissed the caller's feelings as being overly sensitive. Wait, what? That is your 'professional' advice? Then she makes it seem as if because the caller is in an interracial relationship, she should just get used to hearing offensive stuff. After all, it is all her fault she is so damned sensitive. WOW. Awesome.

Moreover, I was offended that the 'Dr.' pretended not to understand why it was not okay for her to just use a racial slur all willy-nilly like she was just saying 'hydrangeas, hydrangeas, hydrangeas'. Puhleeze. It is about intent people. Intent. A 10 year-old could be taught what intent means. Here is an example for you 'Dr.' Laura:

Teenage daughter to her teenage friends: 'Hey my bitches, let's go to the mall tonight, ok?' 

Dr. Laura to her teenage daughter: 'Honey, you can't go to the mall until you finish your homework.'

Teenage daughter to Dr. Laura: 'Bitch, please. I am going to the mall.'

See? Intent matters. The first bitch was not name-calling, the second bitch most definitely was disrespectful. Now, here is the thing. Dr. Laura knows that intent matters (as do most adults). This tells me that she was being provocative, perhaps in a race-baiting way, perhaps in a ratings-whore way. I don't know. But my point is Dr. Laura saying the n-word is what got everyone talking. Did it start a new 'conversation on race'? Nope. Sadly, there were some teachable things both in the initial conversation she had with her caller and in the fallout. But once again, matters of race, racial sensitivity, interracial relationships, etc. fell by the wayside. 

Now the discussion is either: whether she should be fired or whether what she did/said was perfectly reasonable. Really America? The whole point of a teachable moment is to ... umm .. teach. As per usual, the offending host apologizes, sees the error of her ways, repents, etc. etc. 

Sorry, what was that? You say that, in her apology, Dr. Laura says she was trying to be philosophical? 

Jesus, Joseph, and Mary. Somewhere Socrates just died another death. A not even remotely teachable moment. Sigh.


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